FamilyTales Photography’s

Favorite Photography Locations

So many clients come to me for portraits, but are completely lost as to where to go to have them taken. I am always happy to try new photography locations if a client comes to me with one, but I like having my trusty list of old favorites ready if I need them.

Chiques PARK: Marietta, PA Photography Location

Out of all my photography locations this is the one I use the most. There are so many options in just one location! I use this location for all types of photography sessions; engagement, maternity, family and seniors.  In the fall the foliage at this place is more amazing than anywhere else I know.

The Marietta Furnace: Marietta, PA Photography Location

This Marietta spot is one of my favorite photography locations.  I LOVE the furnace almost as much as I love Chiques Park. It is just so green and beautiful. And, again, there are so many options in just one spot. No two pictures ever look the same here. In the late afternoon the light here is amazing.  This is a great photography location for all types of sessions, but I really love to photograph couples here.  It is so intimate.  It’s the  perfect backdrop for engagement or maternity memories.

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Masonic Homes: Elizabethtown, PA Photography Location

Masonic Homes is one of the most popular photography locations used by local photographers, but it also is used by parents of teens for Prom photos and graduation night memories.  I enjoy photographing seniors at Masonic Homes because there are so many options for them to choose from.  Obviously, there is stone galore, but the gardens are colorful and well-tended.  I often take clients over to the Elizabethtown Train Station when we are finished at Masonic Homes because the train station is beautiful and has these beautiful green doors that I adore.  I use this location for all types of photography sessions; engagement, maternityfamily and seniors.




Donegal Presbyterian Church: Mount Joy, PA Photography Location

Donegal Presbyterian was one of the photography locations I ever fell in love with. Donegal Presbyterian offers stone walls and bridges as well a gorgeous stream.  This location is great for families with small children because there are always animals to be found….ducks, geese, fish and snakes just to name a few.

Long’s Park :: Lancaster, PA Photography Location

Long’s Park has so many wonderful backdrop options…a beautiful lake, wooden bridges, heavy tree lines, rustic fences, etc.  I use this location for my fall mini sessions every year because the foliage just can’t be topped.  This location is perfect for every type of session; family, senior, maternity, etc.

Lancaster York Photography

Founders Hall :: Hershey, PA Photography Location

I love this location!  Founders Hall is on the grounds of the Milton Hershey School.  It offers a larger variety of backdrops than most of my photography locations including a gorgeous wooden bridge, water, a gazebo, brick walkways and plenty of beautiful landscaping.  This location is perfect for families, seniors, children and engagement or maternity sessions.

John Wright Restaurant :: Columbia, PA Photography Location

I have just recently discovered and start using the area behind John Wright Restaurant as a backdrop for family sessions.  What it lacks in stone structure and greenery it makes up for with a beautiful view of the river and the Wrightsville Bridge.   This location is perfect for familiesseniors, children and engagement or maternity sessions.  The only drawback that I have found thus far is that occasionally there is an outdoor wedding at this location prohibiting me from using it.

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Haldeman Mansion :: Bainbridge, PA Photography Location

Haldeman Mansion is the newest addition to my suggested photography locations. I stumbled upon it while driving around looking for new beautiful spots.  The mansion itself offers gorgeous stone walls and an amazing front porch that can be used certain times of day depending on which direction the sun is shining.  It also has a river backdrop option. This location is also perfect for families (especially extended families), seniors, children and engagement or maternity sessions.

Overlook Park :: Lancaster, PA Photography Location

I LOVE this location!  Though I haven’t used it often because it is quite a busy spot for photographers, the times I have held sessions there has always been wildly successful.  This location is great for seniors, maternity and families.


  1. jiyeon says:

    wow, thank you for location recommending. We are travel photographers so we travel all over. I will make sure to check these places you recommend when we have chance to go there! 🙂

  2. Irene says:

    What great photography location ideas in Pennsylvania. This will definitely help clients when deciding on a location for their shoot.

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