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Tag: Gender Reveal

Tucker :: Newborn Photography, Milton

I first met Megan and Brandon when I did their engagement portraits several years ago.  It was the first time I had ever had someone photograph ME at a shoot.  Brandon’s mom was documenting it ALL!  I went on to photograph their wedding.  It was an amazing event.  It was one of those weddings that I love so much.  The kind where everyone there makes me feel like family.  I was SO excited when Megan told me she was pregnant.  After all, we had become more than photographer and client.  We had become friends.  I made the trip up to Milton to photograph their pregnancy announcement which heavily featured Wyatt, the St. Bernard.  A few months later I happily left my own family’s Labor Day picnic to photograph Brandon and Megan’s gender reveal which they held at their own holiday picnic surrounded by family and friends.  It was so exciting!!  A boy!  Megan was as shocked as anyone though there were priceless expressions all around.  Then there were the maternity portrait on a bitter cold winter day.  Wyatt, the furry big brother to be was the party star once again.  And after all that Tucker FINALLY arrived!!  And at 4 days old we finally met.  I can’t wait to watch him grow.  This is the goal for my business.  I want to watch families grow <3RT2-0978

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feet5 IMG_7767RT IMG_7843RT IMG_7658RT IMG_7598RT IMG_7607RT IMG_7624RTMaternity Portraits, Lewisburg

Maternity Portraits, Lewisburg Maternity Portraits, Lewisburg Maternity Portraits, Lewisburg Maternity Portraits, LewisburgNewborn Photography, Milton Newborn Photography, Milton Newborn Photography, Milton Newborn Photography, Milton Newborn Photography, Milton